Helen Henry, Irene Suzey, Susan Stephens, Fitch Stephens, Roger Williams, Caroline Williams, Gertrude Haviland, Clara O’Hara, Katherine Grover, Frank & Mary Woolley, Jean Halsey, Orison and Eveline Cook, Edward Curtis, Connie Curtis, Ida Kellogg, the McPherson family, the Northrup family, the Merrill family, the Morrison family, and Anne & George Green lived at one of the following residences in 1910: 127 Linn Street, 306 N. Cayuga St., 308 N. Cayuga St., 130 E. Court St., 125 W. Green St., 233 S. Albany St., 234 S. Albany St., 224 S. Geneva St., 501 W. Green St., 111 Cleveland Ave. or 119 Cleveland Ave.
These are the addresses and the people who are featured in the October 7, 2017 HistoryForge Day in Ithaca.
What makes history come alive for you? For me, one way is learning about people who lived in specific homes. HistoryForge provides us with a platform to learn about the lives of these 1910 residents. From the census we have some basic information. Add to that knowledge about their houses, neighborhood and the events of the time and one can start to piece together partial narratives. Were they long-term residents, what did they do to earn a living, what were their lives like? We are provided with an opportunity to engage with the past and to be inquisitive about the lives of Ithaca citizens from an earlier period. HistoryForge is developing into a valuable resource to ask questions and to explore the connections among people, buildings and community. Learn about HistoryForge on The History Center’s website https://thehistorycenter.net/historyforge and/or go directly to the History Forge site at:https://historyforge.thehistorycenter.net/.
Rod Howe, Executive Director of The History Center in Tompkins County

Originally written for the IthacaHeritage.com blog.
Published October 3, 2017.