Staff and Board members at Historic Ithaca and Significant Elements knew for a few years that we wanted updated websites; in late 2019 we started plans to make that so. We then decided it’d be great to have a new logo/brand to go with our new websites. We worked throughout 2021 to develop templates, design, write and edit copy, and draft new websites. We were fortunate to garner a Community Foundation of Tompkins County grant and a gift from an anonymous donor; many thanks to them. We are grateful to Bethany Parisi Designs for the development and wonderful design of all materials.
The websites give you much information about our organization and our store; gives resources on the built environment, both practical and fun; and an Instagram gallery to shop for vintage treasures and architectural salvage. More information about our Work Preserve program is there plus an event calendar. We hope you will use this valuable community resource and we’d also appreciate any feedback on what else you’d like to see.
Make sure to check these out and do it often!