Isn’t it great when someone looks out for you?
If you’ve ever been on the hunt for a special fixture, piece of furniture, or the perfect thing for the space you are renovating, I bet you’ve relied on Sara Johnson at Significant Elements to help you find it.
Over the years, Sara has helped me find the things that have made my home a place I enjoy being in every day (something that’s become more important than ever lately). She’s provided names of reliable and talented people across our county who have painted, repaired, and restored things in my home—everything from re-glazing a sink to restoring my wavy-glass windows after a fire. And when I finally cleaned out a bunch of antique stuff from our barn we were ready to part with—Sara was there to take it and managed to sell it all in just a few weeks, funneling funds back into Historic Ithaca’s mission.
Sara is one of those people who is modest and doesn’t like any fuss. I get it. But in a world where exceptional service is rare, she’s worth celebrating. My husband and I decided to make a gift to Historic Ithaca in Sara’s honor as one tiny way of saying “Thank you” for, well, everything over this past decade.
If Sara has looked out for you, I hope you’ll join us and make a gift in her honor, to celebrate the legacy of someone who has made shopping, homeownership, and creative re-use far more fun. You can make your gift online or mail your check to Historic Ithaca, 212 Center Street, Ithaca, NY 14850.
We wish her all the best in her new role, and hope that she’ll be proud to know the people she’s looked out for will continue to look out for Significant Elements.
-Maya Gasuk, Historic Ithaca Board Member